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1111 Bayhill Dr, Ste 400
San Bruno, CA 94066

(888) 665-2765

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Business Service Near GSAmart

Distance: 0.3 mi Competitive Analysis
San Bruno, CA 94066

YouTube是設立在美国的一個影片分享網站,讓使用者上載、觀看及分享及評論影片。公司於2005年2月15日註冊,網站的口號為「Broadcast Yourself」(表現你自己),網站的標誌意念來自早期電視顯示器(阴极射线管)。2005年,YouTube由雅科夫·拉皮茨基、查得·賀利、台灣裔美國人陳士駿等人創立,後者作为网站创始者亦是YouTube最早片《我在動物園》(Me at the zoo)的拍攝者,2006年11月,Google公司以16.5億美元收購了YouTube,並把其當做一間子公司來經營。Google公司最初对于如何通过YouTube盈利,一直保持非常谨慎的态度。被收購後的YouTube依然風靡全球網民。花旗銀行分析師認爲,以2012年整年計算,Google可能从YouTube获得24亿美元的净收入。无Google账号的用户仍可以直接觀看YouTube中的视频,但无法上传视频及無法留言。註冊用戶則可以無限數量上傳影片。當影片多次被舉報,經過審查,核實後,含有暴力的内容可能會被定為“18歲以上註冊用户可以觀看”,而色情内容以及侵犯版权的内容(比如仍在上映或发行影碟的电影,电视剧或动画片)將會被刪除,另外也禁止特定的買賣視頻。加利福尼亞州聖布里諾是YouTube總公司的所在,網站藉由HTML5影片來播放各式各樣由上傳者製成的影片內容,包括電影剪輯、電視短片、预告片、音樂錄影帶等,以及其他上傳者自製的業餘影片,如VLOG、原創的影片等。大部分YouTube的上傳者為個人,但也有一些媒體公司如哥倫比亞廣播公司、英國廣播公司、VEVO以及其他團體與YouTube有合作夥伴計劃,上傳自家公司所錄製的影片。時至今日它已經成為影音網站的翹楚,不單在影音娛樂市場上吸引觀眾,又成功把龐大流量轉變為社群平台,並激發許多受歡迎的博主造就網上創作產業,例如每年YouTube名人的演出等收看人數與廣告收入都相當驚人,同時企業則申請官方號用作廣告與線上傳媒渠道、NGO的推廣公關…等等,成為又一段矽谷文化新創成功的經營典範,當然也是因為谷歌的硬體支援,才能承受龐大的資訊量而發展起來,還有恰好的創業時機換來的知名度與其報紅效應。儘管目前有大量用戶支持,但同類型網站激烈競爭下內容生產更變得重要,因此近幾年眼光開始轉向網上知名製作者,YouTube對這些擁有數百萬訂閱的人十分器重,並聯繫博主來提供獎盃回饋與官方聚會活動邀請、以及更高的薪資分紅等等(這類職業化的博客經營者被稱為Youtuber),追求高點擊率已經成為了許多人獲取財富的方式之一,第一個突破十億點閱率的男歌手是PSY,第一個突破十億點閱率的女歌手則是姬蒂·佩芮。2015年9月,PewDiePie成为第一个观看次数超过100亿次的YouTube频道。

First Tongan United Methodist Church
Distance: 0.5 mi Competitive Analysis
560 El Camino Real
San Bruno, CA 94066-4347

(650) 873-2192

Dynamic Signal
Distance: 0.1 mi Competitive Analysis
1111 Bayhill Dr, Ste 325
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 231-2550

Global enterprises need employees to receive company and industry communication, anywhere, anytime, that they can safely share. Dynamic Signal, the leading employee communications platform driving reach, productivity, and advocacy provides a better and faster way for your employees and their audiences to receive your enterprise signal. Companies can now consistently deliver relevant and personalized communication to their employees. Dynamic Signal ensures communications are received by employees and their audiences alike. Hundreds of the world’s largest enterprises, including 85 of the Fortune 500, trust Dynamic Signal to deliver their enterprise signal in 21 countries around the globe. Founded in 2010, the company’s world class customers include IBM, Edelman, Ingram Micro, Salesforce, Autodesk, Domo, SurveyMonkey and Humana. Dynamic Signal is based in San Francisco, California and has raised $43 million from leading investors including Venrock, Rembrandt Venture Partners and Trinity Ventures. Learn how you can upgrade your enterprise signal at

Garage Door Repair San Bruno CA 650 399 4676
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
1111 Bayhill Dr
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 399-4676

La Salsa San Bruno
Distance: 0.8 mi Competitive Analysis
1230 El Camino Real, Ste Q
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 588-9722

Bay Area Entrepreneur Center
Distance: 0.6 mi Competitive Analysis
458 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 825-6840

The Bay Area Entrepreneur Center (BAEC) of Skyline College is a business incubator/accelerator and innovative resource center offering aspiring Bay Area entrepreneurs the information, access and support to grow their current business or business idea. The Center is located in the San Bruno downtown commercial district, close to Caltrain and local restaurants and shops. The BAEC will accept both start-up companies as well as more established early stage companies as clients/residents. For local businesses, aspiring entrepreneurs and students, the BAEC provides classes, workshops, one-on-one technical assistance and other support services to support and increase the likelihood of business success. To businesses located within the BAEC, the Center provides facility space, flexible and affordable leases, shared use of common office equipment, direct business assistance and guidance, mentoring, networking to access capital, and other technical resources.

Distance: 0.1 mi Competitive Analysis
1200 Bayhill Drive, Suite 201
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 581-2000

ICIX helps the retail industry’s leading companies collaborate across trading partner networks to achieve Active Transparency. Our solutions enable companies to safeguard consumers, protect their brand, and build trust - all while improving margins. Our applications, together with our network, help the world's largest organizations connect, share data, and manage the performance and risk of their global supply chains. More than 20,000 businesses actively connect on the ICIX network, including 3 of the top 10 U.S. retailers, and all of the top 100 food suppliers. ICIX customers include Walmart, Nike, Target, Hanesbrands, US Foods, Diageo, Wakefern and Restoration Hardware.

Stella & Dot by GENN, Independent Stylist
Distance: 0.3 mi Competitive Analysis
San Bruno, CA 90825

(213) 446-2571

TO GIVE EVERY WOMAN THE MEANS TO STYLE HER OWN LIFE. We get great joy out of designing irresistible jewelry. And yet, jewelry is just the tangible expression of something much greater we are creating. We have a vision of the world where STRONG WOMEN LIVE BOLD and joyful lives. They know what they want and they work for it. They inspire each other. Passion and joy are their best accessories. Our CEO and FOUNDER Jessica Herrin, a mother of two and mentor to many, had a vision to create a new kind of company that would offer today's busy woman a career alternative. As co-founder of (yes, you saw her on Oprah!), Jessica wanted to use her savvy to help solve the modern woman's dilemma: achieving success and balance through a career you love. Never one to go with the status quo, Jessica felt that the typical home based business just didn't deliver. With lackluster product, high pressure sales tactics, and old school marketing methods, inventory was ending up in people's closets with little profit in their pockets. Jessica's vision called for an entirely new concept that could guarantee women flexibility, reward, style, profit and fun. With an irresistible product and exceedingly personal service, a proven formula for passionate earning and personal success was born. Today, Stella and Dot, an Inc. 500 Fastest-Growing Company, is a San Francisco based company that creates flexible entrepreneurial opportunities for women. Our boutique-style jewelry and accessories line is available exclusively through in-home Trunk Shows by Independent Stylists and online.

Bollywood Fashions
Distance: 0.5 mi Competitive Analysis
616 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 952-6786

Celestial Investment Inc
Distance: 0.2 mi Competitive Analysis
715 El Camino Real
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 455-8878

Distance: 0.3 mi Competitive Analysis
1000 Cherry Ave Ste 140
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 873-2520

Alexis Beauty Salon
Distance: 0.8 mi Competitive Analysis
320 El Camino Real
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 589-9910

601 San Mateo Avenue
Distance: 0.5 mi Competitive Analysis
601 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3611

(650) 873-2035

West Coast Taxidermy Studio
Distance: 0.6 mi Competitive Analysis
876 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3203

(650) 583-4092

Volikos Enterprises
Distance: 0.9 mi Competitive Analysis
999 7th Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 952-3656

Distance: 0.1 mi Competitive Analysis
851 Traeger Ave, Ste 310
San Bruno, CA 94066-3023

(650) 866-3930

Cafe on the lake
Distance: 0.1 mi Competitive Analysis
1200 Bayhill Dr
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 588-7087

Coinstar Machine
Distance: 0.8 mi Competitive Analysis
1322 El Camino Real
San Bruno, CA 94066-1304

(650) 589-1543

San Bruno Trophy & C D S
Distance: 0.5 mi Competitive Analysis
613 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 583-2276

InQuira Inc.
Distance: 0.2 mi Competitive Analysis
900 Cherry Ave Fl 6
San Bruno, CA 94066

(855) 246-0600

InQuira Inc. is the leading provider of enterprise knowledge applications for multi-channel customer support, social CRM and sales enablement. InQuira was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in San Bruno, CA, with offices in Los Angeles, Orlando, New York, and London. More information about InQuira is available at

Company Near GSAmart

Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
1111 Bayhill Dr, Ste 400
San Bruno, CA 94066

(888) 665-2765

Even those industries without explicit standards benefit from having IT professionals certified in a variety of IT disciplines. Both established and new IT professionals will benefit by keeping certification current, providing the expertise needed to advance your career. TrainTestCert is your one-stop online marketplace for IT certification training, testing and continuing education from partners such as CompTIA, Certiport, Logical Operations, Transcender, and Wiley.

Distance: 0.1 mi Competitive Analysis
1101 Bayhill Dr 2nd Fl
San Bruno, CA 94066

We Buy Houses and We Will Buy Any Real Estate for Cash Quickly. Foreclosure avoidance Divorce Job transfer Unexpected property inheritance Downsizing Retiring

Distance: 0.1 mi Competitive Analysis
221 Pine St, Fl Sixth
San Francisco, CA 94122

(800) 279-7754

Distance: 0.1 mi Competitive Analysis
1150 Bayhill Dr, # 307
San Bruno, CA 94066

(800) 494-3106

CareLinx is a nationwide professional caregiver marketplace, empowering families to easily find, hire, manage and pay caregivers who match their specific needs and budget online. CareLinx is saving families up to 50% verses traditional brick and mortar franchise agencies, while professional caregivers are earning higher wages. The CareLinx platform helps families and caregivers easily manage all the administrative tasks of their caregiving needs via it’s web & mobile solutions; including scheduling, time tracking, care coordination and payroll processing. CareLinx ensures that families and caregivers comply with all state and federal employment laws and regulations. Caregivers on CareLinx are vetted and have passed a comprehensive background check. Caregivers are bonded and insured via Lloyd's of London when paid through the CareLinx platform. CareLinx is specifically designed for helping patients with chronic conditions and the elderly in need of caregiving services. CareLinx is currently operating in the top 50 metropolitan cities with over 85,000 professional caregivers ranging from CNA's, MA's, LVN's and RN's. CareLinx won the AARP consumer vote at their national conference and has been featured in ‘O, The Oprah Magazine’, PBS, TIME, AARP Magazine, INC., Forbes, BusinessWeek, Bloomberg and more.

Distance: 0.2 mi Competitive Analysis
1100 Grundy Ln, Ste 110
San Bruno, CA 94066

(952) 683-7900

Video is the new document. Qumu Corporation provides the tools businesses need to create, manage, secure, distribute and measure the success of their videos. Qumu's innovative solutions release the power in video to engage and empower employees, partners and clients. Qumu helps thousands of organizations around the world realize the greatest possible value from video and other rich content they create and publish. Whatever the audience size, viewer device or network configuration, Qumu solutions are how business does video. Additional information can be found at

Reliable Staffing San Francisco
Distance: 0.2 mi Competitive Analysis
1001 Bayhill Dr, Fl 2nd, # 232
San Bruno, CA 94066

(415) 437-9675

InQuira Inc.
Distance: 0.2 mi Competitive Analysis
900 Cherry Ave Fl 6
San Bruno, CA 94066

(855) 246-0600

InQuira Inc. is the leading provider of enterprise knowledge applications for multi-channel customer support, social CRM and sales enablement. InQuira was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in San Bruno, CA, with offices in Los Angeles, Orlando, New York, and London. More information about InQuira is available at

Distance: 0.3 mi Competitive Analysis
San Bruno, CA 94066

YouTube是設立在美国的一個影片分享網站,讓使用者上載、觀看及分享及評論影片。公司於2005年2月15日註冊,網站的口號為「Broadcast Yourself」(表現你自己),網站的標誌意念來自早期電視顯示器(阴极射线管)。2005年,YouTube由雅科夫·拉皮茨基、查得·賀利、台灣裔美國人陳士駿等人創立,後者作为网站创始者亦是YouTube最早片《我在動物園》(Me at the zoo)的拍攝者,2006年11月,Google公司以16.5億美元收購了YouTube,並把其當做一間子公司來經營。Google公司最初对于如何通过YouTube盈利,一直保持非常谨慎的态度。被收購後的YouTube依然風靡全球網民。花旗銀行分析師認爲,以2012年整年計算,Google可能从YouTube获得24亿美元的净收入。无Google账号的用户仍可以直接觀看YouTube中的视频,但无法上传视频及無法留言。註冊用戶則可以無限數量上傳影片。當影片多次被舉報,經過審查,核實後,含有暴力的内容可能會被定為“18歲以上註冊用户可以觀看”,而色情内容以及侵犯版权的内容(比如仍在上映或发行影碟的电影,电视剧或动画片)將會被刪除,另外也禁止特定的買賣視頻。加利福尼亞州聖布里諾是YouTube總公司的所在,網站藉由HTML5影片來播放各式各樣由上傳者製成的影片內容,包括電影剪輯、電視短片、预告片、音樂錄影帶等,以及其他上傳者自製的業餘影片,如VLOG、原創的影片等。大部分YouTube的上傳者為個人,但也有一些媒體公司如哥倫比亞廣播公司、英國廣播公司、VEVO以及其他團體與YouTube有合作夥伴計劃,上傳自家公司所錄製的影片。時至今日它已經成為影音網站的翹楚,不單在影音娛樂市場上吸引觀眾,又成功把龐大流量轉變為社群平台,並激發許多受歡迎的博主造就網上創作產業,例如每年YouTube名人的演出等收看人數與廣告收入都相當驚人,同時企業則申請官方號用作廣告與線上傳媒渠道、NGO的推廣公關…等等,成為又一段矽谷文化新創成功的經營典範,當然也是因為谷歌的硬體支援,才能承受龐大的資訊量而發展起來,還有恰好的創業時機換來的知名度與其報紅效應。儘管目前有大量用戶支持,但同類型網站激烈競爭下內容生產更變得重要,因此近幾年眼光開始轉向網上知名製作者,YouTube對這些擁有數百萬訂閱的人十分器重,並聯繫博主來提供獎盃回饋與官方聚會活動邀請、以及更高的薪資分紅等等(這類職業化的博客經營者被稱為Youtuber),追求高點擊率已經成為了許多人獲取財富的方式之一,第一個突破十億點閱率的男歌手是PSY,第一個突破十億點閱率的女歌手則是姬蒂·佩芮。2015年9月,PewDiePie成为第一个观看次数超过100亿次的YouTube频道。

Beka Atwood- Quest Drape
Distance: 0.5 mi Competitive Analysis
1166 Cherry Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 303-8996

Image Editing Outsourcing
Distance: 0.7 mi Competitive Analysis
4293 Rardin Dr San Bruno, CA 94066
San Bruno, CA 94066

(760) 854-8422

Image Editing Service has made a stride as leading outsourcing clipping path service provider in the Bangladesh. We do 100% quality Photoshop clipping paths, Photoshop Masking, Photo Retouching, Rater to Vector, Image Shadowing etc. Image Editing Service is a pioneer offshore company & our main specialties are Image Editing, Corporate Identity, Logo Design, Raster to vector and Ad design. We reduce your cost and add the working hour with your existing productivity. We have a very well organized team which is bejeweled by the expert designers who are from very high educational background and expert on their sectors. Image Editing Service takes pride in building strategic long-term client relationships. We are efficient enough because we can meet your demand within your deadline and budget with quality that only you seek. Image Editing Service Provide: Image Manipulation/ Editing: * Clipping Path/ silo * Layer mask * Channel mask/ Soft Mask/ Alpha Mask * Retouching * Shadow Creation( Natural/Original, Drop, Reflection) * Expert Hair clipping etc. * Raster to Vactor Price for Image Editing: --------------------------- * Clipping Path start from usd 0.60$ to usd: 6$ * Retouching start from usd: 3$ to usd: 7$ * Image Masking start from usd 0.70$ to usd: 8$ * Vactor Image ways * color correction usd: 1.30$ only Creative Design: * Logo recreat * Clipart/ Artwork * Banner Design * Brochure Design * Corporate ID * Greeting Card * Add. Design * Newspaper/ Magazine Add. Design * Newspaper/ Magazine Page Makeup. Web Design and Development: * Web Template Design * Psd to HTML * CMS Customize etc.

Omine Karate Dojo
Distance: 0.8 mi Competitive Analysis
356 El Camino Real
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 589-8018

No Brainer Productions
Distance: 0.9 mi Competitive Analysis
San Bruno, CA 94066

Don't Think Series (2002-2004) Don't Think:The Movie (2004) The French Revolution (2005) Simon Wisenthall-Nazi Hunter-(2005) Diabetes P.S.A. (2006) Phony Phony West (2007) The Pizza Kid (2007) Black Summer (2008) Big A-'Cold Life'-Music Video (2009) Chucky Vs. Kevin McAllister (2009) E. Lee Vol. I-VI (2011-2012) Universal Studios Casting Call: S.F Bay Area Tour (2011) For A Better Kind-'Your Sad Story'-Music Video (2011) Thank You, Come Again (2012/2015*)

2B Living
Distance: 1.0 mi Competitive Analysis
125 San Luis Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 763-8552

We choose to manage and rent apartments in vibrant, fun, energetic neighborhoods in the Bay Area. We design our apartments to complement your active, neighborhood centered life. Our hope is that your wonderful tenant experience will find you in and outside of your new home.

Distance: 1.0 mi Competitive Analysis
218 Shaw Rd, Unit K
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(415) 860-0428

AllStore Center Self Storage + Parking
Distance: 1.0 mi Competitive Analysis
345 Shaw Rd
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 873-8020

Some of the features you will find include: • 24hr CCTV recording • Individual storage door alarms • Computerized gate access • Completely fenced & lighted • On-site resident manager • Access 7 days a week • Wide driveways & loading areas • Major credit cards accepted

Speech Goals Speech Therapy
Distance: 1.2 mi Competitive Analysis
363 El Camino Real, Suite 100
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 583-3797

Roofline Supply & Delivery
Distance: 1.4 mi Competitive Analysis
464 Victory Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 952-3444