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Voice of the New Generation, San Bruno CA | Nearby Businesses

Voice of the New Generation Reviews

883 Sneath Ln, Ste 226
San Bruno, CA 94066

Community Organization Near Voice of the New Generation

Basque Cultural Center - Gure Euskal Etxea
Distance: 1.3 mi Competitive Analysis
599 Railroad Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 583-8091

This is the facebook page for the membership activities of the Basque Cultural Center.

San Bruno Vineyard Church
Distance: 1.1 mi Competitive Analysis
430 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 244-9795

Sunday Services at Sweet Connections 430 San Mateo Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 10:00 am to 11:30 am Church office and mailing address: 420A San Mateo Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 Phone: 650.244.9795 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS BOOST Every year, since June 2009, we have helped sponsored a summer literacy program for local elementary students called Boost. Boost is an academic literacy-centered program to give children with remedial reading skills in the San Bruno public schools and surrounding areas a “boost” to support increased literacy. Boost focuses on the primary areas of reading, phoneme segmentation, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.In 2009, we started with fifteen 1st thru 3rd grade students from Belle Air Elementary. In 2013, we had 35 students from Belle Air and John Muir Elementary! For more information about the Boost program, visit AWANA San Bruno Vineyard helps sponsor AWANA Ministries (September-May) JV/High School Tuesdays 6:30 pm-8:30 pm Pre-K to 6th. grade Wednesdays 6:30 pm-8:00 pm Address: First Baptist Church of San Bruno 1005 Crystal Springs Rd. San Bruno, California 94066

American Legion
Distance: 0.8 mi Competitive Analysis
757 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3613

(650) 589-3102

The American Legion; chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 - patriotic veterans organization.They are a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization dedicated to fellow service members, Veterans, local community and country

Wat Buddhapradeep SF
Distance: 1.3 mi Competitive Analysis
310 Poplar Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 615-9528

South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Distance: 1.5 mi Competitive Analysis
213 Linden Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 588-1911

The South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit corporation solely supported by its membership, and activities that it sponsors. Members include business owners, managers and professionals. Members invest in the organization to support group efforts to make South San Francisco a better place to do business. The Chamber is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors and holds monthly meetings to set policy and direction for the organization. A Chief Executive Officer oversees office operation which includes full-time and part-time staff. The Chamber makes referrals, acts as a resource for community information, provides informational pamphlets and brochures about starting a business, offers free SCORE (Service Corp of Retired Executives) counseling to business entrepreneurs and has marketing material available to help the sales professionals. Chamber Benefits: Advertising A monthly newsletter, Business In Brief, keeps you informed about business news, community development, and Chamber activities. Once you join, your name, company, address, and phone number are listed in the “New Members” section of the newsletter. Renewing members are listed once a year with their name and the year they joined. We’ll also list you on the Chamber website and in the Chamber Business Directory. Contacts There are numerous chances to network with government officials, other Chamber members, and the business community at monthly mixers and at Chamber functions. Small Business Counseling Receive small business counseling from the Service Corp of Retired Executives (SCORE) Chamber Committees Involve yourself in one of the Chamber committees: Ambassadors, Education, Economic Development/Transportation, and Legislative. Credit Unions The South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to offer membership privileges for Sierra Point, San Mateo, Cypress Point, and Western Federal Credit Union.

Distance: 0.5 mi Competitive Analysis
1150 Bayhill Dr, # 307
San Bruno, CA 94066

(800) 494-3106

CareLinx is a nationwide professional caregiver marketplace, empowering families to easily find, hire, manage and pay caregivers who match their specific needs and budget online. CareLinx is saving families up to 50% verses traditional brick and mortar franchise agencies, while professional caregivers are earning higher wages. The CareLinx platform helps families and caregivers easily manage all the administrative tasks of their caregiving needs via it’s web & mobile solutions; including scheduling, time tracking, care coordination and payroll processing. CareLinx ensures that families and caregivers comply with all state and federal employment laws and regulations. Caregivers on CareLinx are vetted and have passed a comprehensive background check. Caregivers are bonded and insured via Lloyd's of London when paid through the CareLinx platform. CareLinx is specifically designed for helping patients with chronic conditions and the elderly in need of caregiving services. CareLinx is currently operating in the top 50 metropolitan cities with over 85,000 professional caregivers ranging from CNA's, MA's, LVN's and RN's. CareLinx won the AARP consumer vote at their national conference and has been featured in ‘O, The Oprah Magazine’, PBS, TIME, AARP Magazine, INC., Forbes, BusinessWeek, Bloomberg and more.

Distance: 0.3 mi Competitive Analysis
480 N Canal St
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 829-4336

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community. Classes are held in the EOC/Classroom at Fire Station 61 located at 480 North Canal Street.Disaster Psychology/Team Organization Terrorism

San Bruno Chamber of Commerce
Distance: 0.9 mi Competitive Analysis
618 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 588-0180

Create It Clubhouse
Distance: 1.1 mi Competitive Analysis
Boys & Girls Club, 201 West Orange Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 589-7090

The Clubhouse Network is a program of the Museum of Science, Boston in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab. Formerly known as the SSF Computer Clubhouse, The "Create It" Clubhouse provides a creative and safe out-of-school learning environment.

Chamber of Commerce
Distance: 0.9 mi Competitive Analysis
618 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3612

(650) 588-0180

South City Sales
Distance: 1.6 mi Competitive Analysis
322 Linden Ave, # 852
South San Francisco, CA 94083-0852

Everything South City has been asked to help neighbors find buyers and sellers to things of local interest - so this page was created. Please be respectful, honest and remember we are all neighbors here. This page will not be manned 24/7 and will be a community run page so check often for items posted by other locals. Anything inappropriate will be deleted and the person will be banned. ESC or anyone associated with ESC takes no responsibility of any transactions that may result from this page. Be responsible and always double check with other friends/ family prior to making arrangements.

South City Sales
Distance: 1.6 mi Competitive Analysis
322 Linden Ave, # 852
South San Francisco, CA 94083-0852

Everything South City has been asked to help neighbors find buyers and sellers to things of local interest - so this page was created. Please be respectful, honest and remember we are all neighbors here. This page will not be manned 24/7 and will be a community run page so check often for items posted by other locals. Anything inappropriate will be deleted and the person will be banned. ESC or anyone associated with ESC takes no responsibility of any transactions that may result from this page. Be responsible and always double check with other friends/ family prior to making arrangements.

Community Organization Near Voice of the New Generation

Distance: 0.3 mi Competitive Analysis
480 N Canal St
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 829-4336

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community. Classes are held in the EOC/Classroom at Fire Station 61 located at 480 North Canal Street.Disaster Psychology/Team Organization Terrorism

Create It Clubhouse
Distance: 1.1 mi Competitive Analysis
Boys & Girls Club, 201 West Orange Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 589-7090

The Clubhouse Network is a program of the Museum of Science, Boston in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab. Formerly known as the SSF Computer Clubhouse, The "Create It" Clubhouse provides a creative and safe out-of-school learning environment.

Basque Cultural Center - Gure Euskal Etxea
Distance: 1.3 mi Competitive Analysis
599 Railroad Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 583-8091

This is the facebook page for the membership activities of the Basque Cultural Center.

Wat Buddhapradeep SF
Distance: 1.3 mi Competitive Analysis
310 Poplar Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 615-9528

South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Distance: 1.5 mi Competitive Analysis
213 Linden Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 588-1911

The South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit corporation solely supported by its membership, and activities that it sponsors. Members include business owners, managers and professionals. Members invest in the organization to support group efforts to make South San Francisco a better place to do business. The Chamber is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors and holds monthly meetings to set policy and direction for the organization. A Chief Executive Officer oversees office operation which includes full-time and part-time staff. The Chamber makes referrals, acts as a resource for community information, provides informational pamphlets and brochures about starting a business, offers free SCORE (Service Corp of Retired Executives) counseling to business entrepreneurs and has marketing material available to help the sales professionals. Chamber Benefits: Advertising A monthly newsletter, Business In Brief, keeps you informed about business news, community development, and Chamber activities. Once you join, your name, company, address, and phone number are listed in the “New Members” section of the newsletter. Renewing members are listed once a year with their name and the year they joined. We’ll also list you on the Chamber website and in the Chamber Business Directory. Contacts There are numerous chances to network with government officials, other Chamber members, and the business community at monthly mixers and at Chamber functions. Small Business Counseling Receive small business counseling from the Service Corp of Retired Executives (SCORE) Chamber Committees Involve yourself in one of the Chamber committees: Ambassadors, Education, Economic Development/Transportation, and Legislative. Credit Unions The South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to offer membership privileges for Sierra Point, San Mateo, Cypress Point, and Western Federal Credit Union.

South City Sales
Distance: 1.6 mi Competitive Analysis
322 Linden Ave, # 852
South San Francisco, CA 94083-0852

Everything South City has been asked to help neighbors find buyers and sellers to things of local interest - so this page was created. Please be respectful, honest and remember we are all neighbors here. This page will not be manned 24/7 and will be a community run page so check often for items posted by other locals. Anything inappropriate will be deleted and the person will be banned. ESC or anyone associated with ESC takes no responsibility of any transactions that may result from this page. Be responsible and always double check with other friends/ family prior to making arrangements.