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Chamber of Commerce, San Bruno CA | Nearby Businesses

Chamber of Commerce Reviews

618 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3612

(650) 588-0180

Community Organization Near Chamber of Commerce

San Bruno Vineyard Church
Distance: 0.3 mi Competitive Analysis
430 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 244-9795

Sunday Services at Sweet Connections 430 San Mateo Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 10:00 am to 11:30 am Church office and mailing address: 420A San Mateo Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 Phone: 650.244.9795 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS BOOST Every year, since June 2009, we have helped sponsored a summer literacy program for local elementary students called Boost. Boost is an academic literacy-centered program to give children with remedial reading skills in the San Bruno public schools and surrounding areas a “boost” to support increased literacy. Boost focuses on the primary areas of reading, phoneme segmentation, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.In 2009, we started with fifteen 1st thru 3rd grade students from Belle Air Elementary. In 2013, we had 35 students from Belle Air and John Muir Elementary! For more information about the Boost program, visit AWANA San Bruno Vineyard helps sponsor AWANA Ministries (September-May) JV/High School Tuesdays 6:30 pm-8:30 pm Pre-K to 6th. grade Wednesdays 6:30 pm-8:00 pm Address: First Baptist Church of San Bruno 1005 Crystal Springs Rd. San Bruno, California 94066

American Legion
Distance: 0.2 mi Competitive Analysis
757 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3613

(650) 589-3102

The American Legion; chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 - patriotic veterans organization.They are a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization dedicated to fellow service members, Veterans, local community and country

Wat Buddhapradeep SF
Distance: 0.5 mi Competitive Analysis
310 Poplar Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 615-9528

Distance: 0.7 mi Competitive Analysis
1150 Bayhill Dr, # 307
San Bruno, CA 94066

(800) 494-3106

CareLinx is a nationwide professional caregiver marketplace, empowering families to easily find, hire, manage and pay caregivers who match their specific needs and budget online. CareLinx is saving families up to 50% verses traditional brick and mortar franchise agencies, while professional caregivers are earning higher wages. The CareLinx platform helps families and caregivers easily manage all the administrative tasks of their caregiving needs via it’s web & mobile solutions; including scheduling, time tracking, care coordination and payroll processing. CareLinx ensures that families and caregivers comply with all state and federal employment laws and regulations. Caregivers on CareLinx are vetted and have passed a comprehensive background check. Caregivers are bonded and insured via Lloyd's of London when paid through the CareLinx platform. CareLinx is specifically designed for helping patients with chronic conditions and the elderly in need of caregiving services. CareLinx is currently operating in the top 50 metropolitan cities with over 85,000 professional caregivers ranging from CNA's, MA's, LVN's and RN's. CareLinx won the AARP consumer vote at their national conference and has been featured in ‘O, The Oprah Magazine’, PBS, TIME, AARP Magazine, INC., Forbes, BusinessWeek, Bloomberg and more.

Voice of the New Generation
Distance: 0.9 mi Competitive Analysis
883 Sneath Ln, Ste 226
San Bruno, CA 94066

Distance: 1.2 mi Competitive Analysis
480 N Canal St
South San Francisco, CA 94080

(650) 829-4336

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community. Classes are held in the EOC/Classroom at Fire Station 61 located at 480 North Canal Street.Disaster Psychology/Team Organization Terrorism

San Bruno Chamber of Commerce
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
618 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 588-0180

Capuchino Sports Boosters
Distance: 1.2 mi Competitive Analysis
1501 Magnolia Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 558-2799

UC Cooperative Extension Nutrition Program SF/San Mateo
Distance: 1.5 mi Competitive Analysis
300 Piedmont Ave, Rm 227, Bldg B
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 871-7559

University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) is the county-based education and research branch of the University of California’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. UCCE is committed to improving the lives and well-being of families through inspirational, research-based food and nutrition programs and is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), San Mateo and San Francisco Counties. UC Cooperative Extension Family Nutrition Education provides research-based food and nutrition information and educational programs for San Mateo and San Francisco Counties.

Local Business Near Chamber of Commerce

Volunteer Firemens Hall
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
618 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

San Bruno Chamber of Commerce
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
618 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 588-0180

Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
632 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 589-4279

Mmc Associates
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
614 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3612

(650) 589-9511

Ellis Robert Joseph MD
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
614 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3612

(415) 386-4640

Chris's Hauling Service
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
614 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 355-7040

Amma's Curry House N Market
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
632 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 589-4279

Grand Leader Market & Deli - San Bruno
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
600 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3612

(650) 589-2928

Noori Pakistani and Indian Cuisine
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
632 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 589-4279

Sweet and Natural
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
629 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 636-4448

Wedding Bells of San Bruno
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
606 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3612

(650) 871-7294

Artigapinto Legal Document Preparation
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
606 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 244-9547

K Tofu and Grill House
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
617 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 873-3030

Ninja Sushi & Tofu
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
681 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 583-3090

Online menus, items, descriptions and prices for Ninja Sushi & Tofu - Restaurant - San Bruno, CA 94066

San Bruno Trophy & C D S
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
613 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 583-2276

Fiji Market
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
621 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3611

(650) 589-6388

Dollar Super Store
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
637 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3611

(650) 583-8345

Sona Heera Jewelers
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
609 San Mateo Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066-3611

(650) 952-2220

Sanatan Mandir
Distance: 0.0 mi Competitive Analysis
205 Angus Ave W
San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 794-1294